Bitten or Stung? Find Relief with Herbal Remedies
Let's say you are taking a leisurely stroll around the neighborhood one afternoon, when the neighbor's dog decides that you resemble a pork chop. Or let us say that you take a relaxing dip in the ocean, only to find that you have dipped headfirst into a pool of jellyfish. Or let us say that you are cleaning the attic when you realize that you have disturbed the spring sleep of a hornet's nest.
Whatever the case, bites and stings can mean serious business. Even minor injuries my need to be treated by a health professional. However, if the injury is minor, you can also find fast relief through several gentle, yet effective, herbal home remedies. Here are a few ideas to help treat minor bites or stings.
The most important plant for treating any number of bites or stings is the plantain. The plantain is a common plant that is loaded with healing tannins. The chemicals contained in plantain act as a kind of astringent that helps tighten the skin tissue so that the irritation and inflammation can be reduced. The chemicals in tannins also help draw out the skin.
Plantain is an exceedingly common weed that grows in many places. The plant itself can grow from 6 to 18 inches high, but it can also grow flat to the ground, especially in high-traffic areas where it is frequently mowed or walked on. The plant is round and waxy.
The plant's leaves are a dull green, and range in size from 3 to 4 inches long. The leaves contain deep parallel veins that run from the bottom of the leaf to the top. The plantain leaf usually has a stem that cups inward, much like a trough. The plant grows green flower spikes that resemble pipe cleaners. These flower spikes usually sprout from early summer to the middle of fall.
Plantain is your number one ally in fighting the pain and swelling associated with most bites and stings. If you have a bee sting or mosquito bite, you can use plantain to find fast relief. Simply take a handful of plantain leaves and rinse them with cool, clean water. Next put the leaves in your mouth, chew them up to release the tannin, and then place a wad of the chewed plantain leaves right over the afflicted are for fast relief.
This may sound strange, but it has helped many find relief for centuries.
If chewing strange leaves doesn't appeal to you, you can also vigorously rub the leaves with your hands until the juice is released.
If you are suffering from a dog bite, you can also use plantain to create a healing poultice. First, you must scrub the bite area clean with soap and water. Be as thorough as possible. Simply use a handful of rinsed plantain leaves in a blender, add a few drops of hot water, and blend on low. Then apply this mixture directly onto the wound. Place an adhesive gauze over the area, and apply a heat source over the poultice, you can use a hot water bottle or heat pad.
Of course, for any dog animal bite – you do need to make sure that the animal does not have rabies, consult your physician about this concern.
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Bitten or Stung? Find Relief with Herbal Remedies
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