Types Of Cerebral Palsy
Aug 5th, 2010 by Aldouspi

Types Of Cerebral Palsy

United Cerebral Palsy defined cerebral palsy as a “group of chronic conditions” which affects the movement of the body and the coordination of its different muscles. Its existence is because the part of the brain which controls muscle movements has certain abnormalities. These abnormalities can be brought about by some problems during pregnancy.

Most of the children diagnosed with cerebral palsy were diagnosed in the age of 18 months. Although, this abnormality can already exist at the time of birth, it becomes evident or noticeable during two years old until three they are three. It would have to clear that cerebral palsy is not something which is transmissible nor progressing. There are different treatment options which could help patients to cope with it.

The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes (NINDS) estimates about 800,000 Americans, children and adult, to be affected with cerebral palsy. There are different types of cerebral palsy.

? Mild Cerebral Palsy

Those who are suffering from mild cerebral palsy only have slight impairment, the symptoms are not that evident and usually not that noticeable. There would be cases when the child would remain undiagnosed with cerebral palsy, because it is not that obvious. The sad thing about it is that because it is barely noticeable, the possibility of treatment is also very slim.

They can be slightly affected physically, they could have problems lifting heavy items. You would also notice that mild cerebral palsy patients would frequently use a particular side more often that the other. But the intelligence is not affected at all.

? Spastic Cerebral Palsy

This is the most common cerebral palsy case. It affects about 80 percent of all the cerebral palsy cases. There is damage on the motor cortex which would lead to tightness and stiffness of muscle or muscle groups. This would limit movement, for example, children would find it difficult to hold objects.

? Athetoid Cerebral Palsy

If spastic is the most common, athetoid covers about 10 percent of the cerebral palsy cases. The damage of the brain will be on the parts that coordinate body movements and at the same time maintains the posture of student. Those who have athetoid cerebral palsy would find that the face would experience involuntary movements. Speech is barely understandable and the food will be difficult to swallow. Aside form that, the person who is affected with this would also have problems with the survey.

? Ataxic Cerebral Palsy

This would a more rare form of cerebral palsy, about 5 to 10 percent of the total number of cerebral palsy patients are affected with this. Those who have this kind of cerebral palsy would experience poor muscle tone and development. Coordination would be very difficult too. They also tend to have a very shaky grip.

? Mixed Cerebral Palsy

Just like what the name is, it is about the combination of other types of cerebral palsy. The most common mix would be the spastic cerebral palsy and at the same athetoid cerebral palsy. Those who are suffering from this would not have any particular type of cerebral palsy, therefore their symptoms can also be mixed. The spastic cerebral palsy tend to be more visible, especially if the child will reach the age of nine months.
About 10 percent of cerebral palsy patients have this.

There are different types of cerebral palsy and if we think that an important individual is showing signs based on the definition, then it would be for the best to get an expert opinion and help. Each type would have a treatment program more suitable for them.

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