What is it Like Living With the Disease Diabetes
Aug 23rd, 2010 by Aldouspi

What is it Like Living With the Disease Diabetes?

Those individuals who have diabetes do not make enough insulin or they have bodies that do not use the insulin properly. Insulin is a substance that is very important in that it converts blood glucose into energy that the body than uses to function.

Individuals with diabetes need to be monitored closely by medical professions including medical doctor, dietician, foot doctor, eye specialist, and other specialists as needed.

Diabetics learn to control their disease by monitoring their blood glucose levels using a blood glucose meter, by watching what foods they eat, and by staying physically active. Diabetics also need to be aware of their stress levels. They also need to take good care of and monitor the condition of their feet in order to head off other medical conditions that diabetics are at risk for such as infections and nerve damage, and sores. Diabetics are also at risk for cardiac disease, stroke, and kidney disease.

An individual with diabetes may need to take medications, and will always need to use a blood glucose meter to monitor their blood glucose level. They will need to watch the types of food that they eat, exercise on a regular basis and take good care of their eyes and feet.

Some diabetics will find that diet and exercise is enough to control their disease and others will need to administer insulin or other diabetic medications in order to properly control the disease.

Diabetics must always monitor their health and report any unusual symptoms such as being extremely thirsty, urinating more frequently than usual, being nauseous, or vomiting more than once, losing a significant amount of weight, having difficulty breathing, or having their breath smell like nail polish remover, feeling weak or drowsy or trembling, consumed or dizzy. They must also notify their doctor if they experience blurred vision. It is also important to let your doctor know if you notice a sore or wound that does not heel especially if it is on their feet.

When monitoring the blood glucose level it is important to always check your test strips for expiration dates, make sure you use a large enough drop of blood, be sure that your meter is set correctly, keep your meter clean as per the instructions, check to be sure the batteries are fresh, write down every result so that your doctor can benefit from the information and also make sure that you are following the instructions that come with the glucose meter.

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