Preventing Digestive System Disorders Brought On By Listeriosis
Jan 4th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Preventing Digestive System Disorders Brought On By Listeriosis

In simplest terms, listeriosis is an infection with the bacteria known as listeria monocytogenes. It is dangerous to those most commonly infected: infants and elderly patients. This bacterium has become known as contributing to miscarriage, stillbirth, meningitis, pneumonia, and bodily sepsis. Preventing digestive system disorders brought on by listeriosis – generally speaking they include diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, bloating, and in some cases long lasting nausea without vomiting – is not as hard as the insidious nature of the bacterium might suggest.

First and foremost of course is the avoidance of ingesting affected food sources. Dairy products are the highest risk source, and the ingestion of un-pasteurized milk is one of the most dangerous food choices a consumer might make. Raw veggies and fruits are also culprits and copious washing with dish detergent is always recommended. Not too long the ingestion of organic vegetable and fruit drinks that contained raw ingredients but were not pasteurized was blamed for severe listeria infection in a number of individuals. Remember that pasteurization is a key component of food safety and no matter how organic, healthy, and natural a product claims to be, if it is not pasteurized, you are at risk.

Sushi lovers and those who die for a plate of carpaccio will do well to remember that raw food is a breeding ground for this bacterium and there is nothing that will remove listeria from a bite of sushi! No matter how good it looks, for all you know it could be crawling with listeria. Preventing digestive system disorders brought on by listeriosis begins by making sensible – even if unpopular – food choices. In addition to the foregoing, review your food storage. It has been found that at freezing the bacteria are still seen as being not only viable but happily reproducing and thus you will be wise to further lower the temperature of your freezer.

If you suspect that you might have been exposed to listeria bacteria – or have received notification by a food distributor that there is a chance of infection – immediate medical attention must be obtained. Blood panels will reveal the presence of the bacteria and contrary to popular belief, stool samples are not sufficient for diagnosis. Thus even infants need to undergo a blood panel. Antibiotics will be the only treatment option and at a mortality rate of about 25% of those seeking medical attention, this is one food borne illness that should be avoided at all costs.

Since prevention is best and you already know that some food choices need to be avoided, remember that hygiene not only involves the hands but also the cooking utensils, cutting boards, knives, counter tops, dish towels, and kitchen sponges. The latter is a veritable breeding ground of bacteria from all around the spectrum and no matter how much antibacterial soap you use, the frequent changing of this cleaning agent is an absolute must. In addition to the foregoing, never compromise on leftover foods or even precooked foods and assume that they are safe to eat right out of the fridge. Reheat them in the microwave or use another cooking method until they are completely cooked and hot all the way through.

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