Digestive System Disorders That Cause Bloating
Jan 17th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Digestive System Disorders That Cause Bloating

Generally the tight feeling of the abdominal cavity associated with bloating is only a temporary feeling. Often following on the heels of an overindulgence in food or drink, most anyone is familiar with the sudden hardness of the abdomen that seeks relief by either expelling gasses via the anus or excessive air via the via.

Of course, although these are benign yet frequent causes of most incidents of bloating, there are also some digestive system disorders that cause bloating. Take for example food allergies which are usually associated with the ingestion of proteins. Not many adults know that they might suffer from them and thus certain foods might in a way sneak up on them and cause surprise incidents of bloating as well as other symptoms such a diarrhea or constipation. At issue might be peanuts, eggs, milk or shellfish.

Interestingly, an infection with intestinal parasites will also contribute to bloating. Transmission of such parasites is not as common in American as it is in other parts of the world, but where there are poor hygiene habits and food which is not cooked to the proper temperature and then stored in accordance with food safety rules, the odds of allowing such a critter to hitch a ride to the digestive system are heightened. In addition to bloating, a discoloring of stools, severe anemia, and also vomiting might occur.

Of all the digestive system disorders that cause bloating, constipation that is either temporary or chronic does indeed contribute to bloating the most, and in many cases this kind of condition is accompanied by severe cramps and also the release of stomach acid into the esophagus. While it would be simplistic to suggest that bloating could be relieved in this case with little more than an over the counter laxative or botanical remedy, but frequently that is the first course of action. Thereafter, it is advised for the sufferer to evaluate the dietary intake and make modifications, such as the inclusion of more fiber and the lowering of proteins ingested.

No matter what kind of digestive system disorders that cause bloating might be at the root of the problems experienced, the hardness of the abdomen and the feeling of pressure radiating from within the abdominal cavity may be so severe that medical attention is sought out. Those who suffer from it frequently are encouraged to keep a food diary to notate any and all foods that are ingested and to see at which times the bloating is noticed and what appears to be aggravating it.

Even as this does not promise a complete stopping of the occurrence, it sets the sufferer on the course of self examination and enables a revamping of food choices and perhaps encourages the making of healthier food decisions. Such decisions go a long way for the shopper who feels like she or he is in a rut at the local supermarket and is unable to withstand the siren song of the chips and other food choices which are becoming obvious culprits in setting off undesirable episodes of bloating.

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