reduce your cortisol levels and feel better with rosea rhodiola
Aug 11th, 2010 by Aldouspi

Reduce your Cortisol Levels and Feel Better with Rosea Rhodiola

Our body is a well built biological machine that when left on its own devices can take care of almost anything to ensure its survival. Unfortunately, we don’t live in such a perfect world. Our body’s natural abilities to maintain itself may also rear its ugly head and do damage to it as well. And such is the development of cortisol for one. When cortisol is produced at an elevated amount and stays in our system for a prolonged period of time, it can do more damage than good. This is where Rosea Rhodiola can come in and help you out.

What is cortisol anyway?

Cortisol is an essential hormone produced by the adrenal glands that is mainly involved in the regulation of blood pressure, release insulin for maintaining balance in blood sugar levels, and necessary for inflammatory responses, immune functions, and for proper metabolism of glucose. Also called the stress hormone, it is highly produced when the body is stressed and when we shift into a fight or flight mode as a response to a stressful situation. As such, cortisol helps us to develop a higher threshold for pain, give us a burst of energy, enhance our memory capabilities, increase our immunity and maintain the balance of homeostasis.

?It is important that we develop cortisol to help us respond to these stressful situations. But, it is also important that we are able to relax our body after being stressed so that we can function normally and we don’t wear out our system when it is constantly at a heightened state. If we are constantly producing high levels of cortisol, we could develop chronic stress, causing our body to develop various negative health conditions, such as heart problems. Other negative impacts of constant high levels of cortisol include: hyperglycemia, extreme blood pressure, diminished muscle tissues, decrease in bone density, suppression of the thyroid functions, impairing of our cognitive abilities, and much more.

Given these negative and frightening consequences, it is important that we are able to maintain a good balance of cortisol in our system. To do this, we should be able to effectively activate our relaxation response right after when we are engaged in a stressful situation or our body engages its fight or flight response. To do this, we can avail of the stress relief benefits that Rosea Rhodiola is best known for.

Recent studies from reputable clinics around the world have reported that Rosea Rhodiola is an effective alternative treatment for stress reduction. Also, these studies have shown that cortisol levels have been dramatically reduced after being monitored to test subjects who took Rosea Rhodiola. Compared to a controlled group, those that took Rosea Rhodiola had higher performance levels with their mental capabilities and felt lesser effects of fatigue. Because of Rosea Rhodiola’s capabilities of reducing stress there was no need for the adrenal gland to produce more cortisol significantly lowering its levels and keeping the body out of danger.

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