How to Exercise Safely with Lupus
Feb 7th, 2011 by Aldouspi

How to Exercise Safely with Lupus


Did you know that too much rest could be harmful to your muscles, your bones, joints and your health in general? Exercise is important for everyone. Those who have lupus should also exercise, but need to be aware that their joints need to be in the best condition possible before starting a exercise program. And, of course, you should have the advice of your doctor before starting any exercise program.

It is especially challenging for a person with lupus to start a program of exercise because of the constant fatigue that they feel. They really have to push themselves to get out there and exercise.

Your doctor can help to achieve your exercise goals by assuring you that your joints will be as healthy as possible. Your doctor may be able to give you some suggestions as to what types of exercises will work best for you. Some suggestions you hear may be:


These are both low-impact exercising that will also work your heart. Low-impact exercises protect your joints.

Here are some tips to help you exercise successfully.

    1. Always check with your doctor first to be sure that all precautions are being taken to protect your joints

    2. Have a exercise partner to encourage you and support you with your exercise goals.

    3. It is important to not push yourself too hard, when it comes to daily exercise. Take rests, if needed.

    4. Stop if you experience discomfort or joint pain.

    5. Keep an exercise journal, so you can watch your progress and make note of any symptoms you notice while exercising.

    6. Be prepared to modify the expected schedule of exercise, if you are feeling poorly.

    7. Be proud of your achievements.

An exercise journal can be quite simple to make, out of notebook paper, a cutout hole and some sting or you can go out and buy a notebook. The journal should detail what time of day you exercised, how you exercised, how long and then any notes about how your body is handling your physical activity.

Make a note of when you start and stop, and record how your body handled the exercise session. Remember to take your journal with you to the doctor’s so you can impress your doctor. Your notes in the journal can help your doctor decide, if your exercise program needs to be adjusted or not.

The right exercise program can help you to:

    1. Improve your muscle strength.

    2. Can actually improve your joint health by preventing stiffness.

    3. Aid in preventing osteoporosis.

    4. Great way to keep weight in the right range for your body type.

    5. Can improve your cardiovascular system.

    6. Helps to reduce your stress level.

    7. Can relieve stress.

    8. Can give you an excuse to meet new people.

    9. Is great for keeping the depression at bay.

If it has been a while since you last exercised, you will need to take it slow. Walking is good exercise for the beginner, as it will not put much strain on your body and is good for your heart and your muscles. Exercising is also good for your mental clarity and your emotional health. It does a body good to get out and stretch your legs.

Recommended Lupus Exercise Resources…

The Lupus Bible & Norton Protocol

Lupus ruins the life of over 1.5 million people in USA alone. Groundbreaking holistic protocol socially proven worldwide finally offers hope that the pain can stop and these people who suffer so terribly can live normally once again.

Natural Lupus Relief

A Natural Approach to Treating Lupus Sle & Dle.

Recommended Lupus Exercise Books…

The Lupus Recovery Diet: A Natural Approach to Autoimmune Disease That Really Works
by: Jill Harrington
publisher: Harbor Point Publishing, published: 2007-05-01
ASIN: 0975870718
EAN: 9780975870716
sales rank: 39001
price: $19.95 (new), $14.86 (used)

The Lupus Recovery Diet is a compilation of stories of people who’ve overcome autoimmune diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia through diet and lifestyle changes. The book includes details of the program and delicious recipes.

Yoga for Pain Relief: Simple Practices to Calm Your Mind & Heal Your Chronic Pain (Whole Body Healing) (Whole-Body Healing Series)
by: Kelly McGonigal
publisher: New Harbinger Pubns, published: 2009-12-02
ASIN: 1572246898
EAN: 9781572246898
sales rank: 29931
price: $13.26 (new), $14.91 (used)

It’s no secret that yoga increases muscular flexibility and strength, but you may not know that yoga is a proven treatment for back pain, knee pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and other chronic pain conditions. Yoga also helps to ease the stress, anxiety, and depression that can create and reinforce pain, making you feel more comfortable in both your mind and your body.

Written by a yoga instructor and former chronic pain sufferer, Yoga for Pain Relief is packed with gentle postures and practical strategies for ending pain. This complete mind-body tool kit for healing also includes deep relaxation practices drawn from the yogic tradition and psychological techniques for helping you make peace with your body and dissolve pain. As the ancient practice of yoga releases the hold that chronic pain has over your life, you will begin to feel more like yourself again.

This book is very much in line with all that the American Chronic Pain Association teaches. I recommend that you relax, renew yourself, and enjoy your adventure through Yoga for Pain Relief.
-Penney Cowan, executive director of the American Chronic Pain Association

Those of us who practice yoga know that it has many benefits, like the reduction of all kinds of pain. Now we have a sourcebook that explains why yoga has this effect. McGonigal s book presents salient research on pain and its causes and explains exactly how yoga helps. This book is a must for yoga teachers and anyone suffering pain. Highly recommended.
-Judith Hanson Lasater, Ph.D., PT, yoga teacher and author of Yogabody

Whether you are in pain now or you treat those who are, Yoga for Pain Relief will broaden your view of suffering and change your life. McGonigal outlines a clear, step-by-step method, evidence-based yet ancient, to reconnect with the wisdom and joy that is your birthright the source of wellness that is so much bigger than your pain.
– Amy Weintraub, MFA, E-RYT 500, is founder of LifeForce Yoga Healing Institute and author of Yoga for Depression

McGonigal shares her extensive knowledge and experience in helping people heal themselves with yoga in a way that is thorough and accessible to everyone. May this blessing find its way into the hands of all those who are ready to reclaim their health and vitality.
-Desiree Rumbaugh, creator of the Yoga to the Rescue DVD series

In this important book, McGonigal elegantly and simply empowers us, through science and ancient practices, to compassionately transform pain and suffering into ever-present joy blossoming in our hearts. A gift for us all!
-Nischala Joy Devi, international yoga teacher and author of The Healing Path of Yoga and The Secret Power of Yoga

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