Can You Prevent Stretch Marks With Squalene?
Nov 23rd, 2010 by Aldouspi

Can You Prevent Stretch Marks With Squalene?

Unless you are on the hunt for a stretch mark remedy, preventative substance, or an overall perfect skin care tool, most likely you have not heard of squalene. But squalene is a term well known to dermatologists and researchers devoted to skin care and the youthful preservation of the largest organ the human being has.

By and large, squalene is an organic substance found in nature, in both flora as well as fauna. Most commonly associated with the liver of sharks, vegetarians know that they can find this compound in such foods as rice bran, wheat germs, and even olive oil.

Shark liver oil, since time immemorial, has aided in the healing of wounds, the soothing of skin irritations, and overall skin protection by fishermen, and later on, also their wives. Eventually this trade secret entered the mainstream, and today squalene, made from shark liver oil, is considered an essential ingredient by dermatologists.

Since shark liver oil is not generally considered a very marketable product in mainstream American (due to the Movie “Jaws”), its premier ingredient is instead extracted and then marketed.

Please be aware that shark derived squalene, taken orally, does precious little for skin health, whereas, when applied to the skin, it has revitalizing components.

Since it is a quickly absorbed substance that also can be mixed with a host of essential oils and other ingredients, squalene – both the shark variety and the one that is extracted from plants – is a priced ingredient. It has found its way into a number of skin care products, including creams and lotions sold for the reduction and even prevention of stretch marks.

It is sometimes erroneously credited with the ability to rebuild the skin’s surface… Instead squalene affects the overall elasticity of the skin and thereby lessens the visibility of skin blemishes in the process.

As such, it is a powerful preventive substance, but lacks the regenerating powers that would allow it to combat already existing stretch marks to the extent that other available creams may.

For preventive care, squalene is also known for its antioxidant rich properties and its wound care abilities, you will find that not only will it protect your skin from the possibility of stretch marks, but it will also aid in healing any surface wounds and lesions. At the same time, it can protect your skin from damaging external influences.

While squalene cannot take the place of a sun-protection regimen, it can indeed be used to supplement skin care product use in between applications of sunscreen.

Currently, there is little – if any – proof that shark derived squalene is superior to olive or wheat germ derived extracts, although purists insist that nothing equals the power of the shark liver oil. If you purchase cosmetics that contain squalene for the sake of stretch mark prevention, make sure that the product contains, at the very least, 10% squalene, although the more the better.

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