Himalayan Salt Beats Out Table Salt Easily
Mar 16th, 2017 by Aldouspi

What is the difference between table salt, sea salt, and Himalayan salt. This is a question that is asked a lot. A lot of people don’t realize there is a big, big difference between table salt or iodized salt, and Himalayan salt and sea salt, and even truffle salt and the like. So let’s jump right in and talk about which is better: table salt versus Himalayan salt.

Now, let me say this about table salt. Table salt was developed in part because many people were developing iodine deficiencies. They were having iodine deficiencies and their diet was part of it. Also, table salt was anti-caking, and its crystals was actually smaller, in many cases, than Himalayan and sea salt. And so people preferred it, because it was processed and companies can make a lot more money making iodized salt versus gathering real salt from the sea or from caves like Himalayan salt is. But here’s the truth about table salt. Number one, it is highly processed and we know anytime you take a food and process it, you change the way it interacts within the body.

When you have a highly processed table salt – and by the way, most of these table salts come from very unclean sources – they’re actually changed. It actually stops being food! If you’re consuming table salt on a regular basis, it completely moves out of the food category because it’s processed to the point with additives that is resembles nothing found in nature anywhere. While versus sea salt and Himalayan salt are found in nature.

And because iodized table salt is so highly processed, it affects the body in a different way. One of those ways is by raising your blood pressure. Now, sea salt and Himalayan salt may actually help balance out irregular blood pressure, whereas iodized table salt will, every time – and every instance, cause your blood pressure to rise. And that isn’t good. It actually puts pressure on your heart, and on you arterial system. And in the long-term, may, in fact, cause heart disease or heart failure and increases your risk of a heart attack. That’s medically proven through scientific studies: Table salt increases your risk of high blood pressure and of a heart attack, both. And one reason for that is it is highly processed.

Something else you may not realize about table salt is that many of the minerals are stripped out. Now, if you look at Himalayan salt, for instance, 15% of it is going to be other minerals – trace minerals found in mountains and in our Earth and in the ocean.

The problem is that with table salt, with all of those mineral gone, you’re only getting sodium. But, this is important – remember this, minerals balance each other out! Sodium and potassium help balance each other out. Calcium and magnesium help balance each other out. All of these electrolytes and minerals help keep each other balanced. So if you’re consuming regular table salt, what’s going to happen is you’re causing imbalances in potassium in your body. Medical science tells us that potassium is key for supporting the function of your kidneys, and for supporting the detoxification of your cells, it is crucial.

So your body actually becomes more toxic, when you’re consuming regular table salt.

“Food is medicine,” it should not be poison. I truly believe iodized table salt, for many people, acts as a poison in the body. And don’t forget, iodized table salt is not just salt. Actually, there are other chemicals added such as anti-clumping agents. Have you ever noticed, even if you go to the ocean, and so if you’re sitting at an oceanside restaurant, it’s very moist out? If you’re using a sea salt, it tends to clump together a little bit, sometimes you need to shake it up. Well, when you go and consume table salt around the ocean, it’s still these fine flowing crystals that never clump or cake together. That’s because corporations put in toxic anti-clumping agents, in our table salt today. These anti-clumping agents can be toxic to your digestive tract, to your small intestine and increase your risk of leaky gut syndrome.

Also, again, it’s going to be toxic to your liver and your kidneys. Are you starting to realize you should stay away from table salt?

This might surprise you, but table salt has aluminum additives. And this is another major problem. We know aluminum has been connected with dementia and neurodegeneration of the brain, as well as liver toxicity.

I will raise one last issue with table salt, it causes iodine imbalance. Iodine is an essential mineral in our body. Even though iodine is added, it’s not the type of iodine we need! This is particularly important for anyone struggling with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and types of autoimmune disease. If you have a certain type of autoimmune disease and you’re not getting a food-bound iodine supplement, something like kelp in its natural form, an isolated iodine, like you’re going to find in table salt, can actually increase your risk and symptoms of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and autoimmune disease.

So this might come as a shock to you, but table salt, again, is not good for you, highly toxic, has been linked to high blood pressure, heart disease, as well as other issues, such as toxicity of the body. So if you’ve got table salt in your home, throw it away. There are great natural alternatives, such as Himalayan salt and natural Celtic sea salt, and wild truffle salt. These are the best types of salt you want to be getting in your diet.

So what are the the benefits of Himalayan salt? Number one, it improves respiratory health. Have you ever gone to the ocean and you just noticed that your health just got much better? You know, you were on vacation, you went to Florida or Cancun or California or wherever you’re at, maybe you go to the ocean and you notice, you just seem to breathe better. Well, that’s because those minerals, specifically the types of sodium and those trace minerals found in the ocean actually help drive impurities out of your system, especially if you have things in your lungs. So when you’re inhaling these healthy forms of salt that are found in Himalayan salt lamps or by breathing in ocean water – tiny droplets in the atmosphere. Those actually help with respiratory issues.

Here’s another incredible benefit of using Himalayan salt – it balances your body’s pH. By the way, another unique type of salt that I use that comes from Hawaii, it’s a type of truffle salt – from the bottom of the Pacific – that actually has about 20% trace minerals, similar to Himalayan sea salt.

Himalayan salt is probably at 10% to 15% other types of trace minerals and is found in caves and in the mountains. These trace minerals include things like manganese, magnesium, calcium, potassium, chloride, iodine, selenium, and other powerful minerals, even zinc. There are even substances like silver, which is really beneficial for your health. It’s great for killing bad bacteria. And gold is found, too, which is good for your heart. These are actually trace minerals found in Himalayan salt. These help balance your body’s pH.

Now, I’m not telling you to go home and do multiple tablespoons of Himalayan salt every single day. But sprinkling a little bit on your food can help balance your body’s pH and have tremendous health benefits. So, again, use it sparingly, but use a little bit of Himalayan salt or wild salt, sea salt every single day.

It’s also a natural digestive. Salt helps dry things up, it is a natural drying agent. And so doing some salt is actually good for the digestive system. Not too much, a little Himalayan sea salt, but it’s good, especially if you have candida. Getting a little bit of salt into you goes a long way for getting some of those good electrolytes.

As I mentioned earlier, it’s an air purifier. I recommend you getting a Himalayan salt lamp, and setting it by your bed at night. This is great for kids. If you have a child who has respiratory or breathing issues, here is a tip: Rather than having those night lights try a Himalayan light instead.

They’re good to have in the bathroom. If you have a child or you need to go to the restroom during the night. Rather than turning on those brighter lights, let an orange glow light your way. Because red, orange, and yellow lights don’t cause your melatonin production to drop, they help keep it elevated. So, they’re good to use at night or in the evening. But also, they’re great for purifying the air, as I talked about the benefits earlier. The himalayan salt lamps are so good for your overall health. Also, they actually help induce better sleep because of the type of light they give off.

But let’s get back to the mineral benefits of Himalayan sea salt: Did you know that minerals help your hormone production and can help calm your system? This is why, oftentimes, magnesium is referred to as the relaxation mineral. But it’s not just magnesium. It’s trace minerals consumed or breathed in at the right amount. It is that combination of magnesium, calcium, iodine, potassium, chloride – these in combination in nature – that have tremendous health benefits.

Himalayan salt is also great for athletes. If you’re an endurance athlete, a marathon runner, a triathlete, a swimmer, and you’re doing any type of long distance, or just a lot of cardio, you’re out sweating a lot. It is crucial you’re getting the right type of sodium in your diet on a daily basis. And Himalayan salt, sea salt, these are some of the best forms of sodium. In fact, when I used to race triathlons, one of the things I would always do is make my own sort of energy pack. I would get some raw local honey and mix in a little bit of Himalayan salt to it. And that’s what I would consume when I was doing a workout. A little bit of sea salt and a little bit of raw local honey – a great natural energy booster.

So let’s review some of the side effects and the reasons you want to get rid of table salt. Again, table salt risks come from being highly processed,
it has the minerals stripped out of it, it contains toxic clumping agents and harmful aluminum additives, and it causes an iodine imbalance within the body.

Now look at the benefits of Himalayan salt. It improves respiratory problems, balances your body’s pH, it’s a natural digestive aid, purifies your air, re-minerializes the body and improves your overall sleep.

And I want to give you this last tip as well. It’s important that we are flooding our bodies with minerals on a daily basis. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, organic wild meat, bone broth, as well as Himalayan salt and sea salt. And throw out the table salt or, hey, throw it out over your shoulder for good luck, and start using Himalayan salt, both as a lamp in your house and as part of your diet.

Information provided here is not medical advice – you should always consult your doctor.


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