Several Health Benefits of Turmeric
Dec 23rd, 2016 by Aldouspi

Today I want to share with you the incredible benefits of turmeric. Listen to this. This will blow your mind. There are over 6,000 clinical studies showing that turmeric maybe the number one healing herb available today.

This herb, that most of you can find as a cooking spice in your own kitchen cabinet, has been used for over 5,000 years. It’s referenced throughout history. It’s used throughout Asia today, especially in India and China. And now it has been found to be probably more beneficial than at least 20 different medications out there today.

The reason why turmeric is so beneficial is it contains an active compound called curcumin. Curcumin or curcumenoids, of which there are many different types, are highly anti-inflammatory. If you want to harness the benefits of turmeric, let’s find out what some of the benefits are.

Number one, turmeric, again being anti-inflammatory, can help relieve pain. If you struggle with chronic joint pain or muscle pain, whether it is caused by something like fibromyalgia or arthritis, turmeric can help because of its anti-inflammatory properties.

Number two, turmeric can also help with blood sugar. If you have issues with diabetes or low energy levels, think about adding turmeric to your diet Because of its antioxidants properties it appears to initiate anti-diabetic actions that include enhanced pancreatic islets regeneration (beta cells). This can help balance out those blood sugar levels.

Latest nutritional studies suggest you get the best benefits from Turmeric when it is combined with BioPerine and Ginger. I recommend this organic supplement as the best way to take advantage of the health benefits of Turmeric>>>

Number three, turmeric has antimicrobial properties. In fact, many women today actually use turmeric as a face mask. They simply mix a little bit of turmeric with raw honey, rub it on the face, and then wash it off about five minutes later.

It has incredible benefits of killing off different types of bacteria like those associated with acne.

Turmeric also supports liver detoxification and boosts two antioxidants in your body called glutathione and SOD, that’s superoxide dismutase. These are very important antioxidants for cellular function.

Number four, turmeric has been shown to be effective at cleaning out your arteries. If you have high cholesterol issues or high blood pressure, studies show that turmeric is helpful for that. And if you have plaque in your arteries, turmeric and curcumin have been shown to be effective in reducing plaque.

Those are just really a few of the benefits of turmeric. There are numerous other benefits.

If you go throughout the medical literature, you’ll see it’s been shown to be beneficial for just about everything because it’s highly anti-inflammatory, it supports detoxification, it’s so high in antioxidants, and it has antimicrobial properties.

Since the benefits of turmeric are so numerous, you may want to get more turmeric in your diet. One thing to do is to drink a turmeric tea every day. Take a tablespoon of turmeric with a little bit of coconut milk and then make an herbal tea with it.

Another thing you can do with it is add it to let’s say chicken breading, place into a pot of beans or even add it to your guacamole.

I tend to bread my chicken. If I fry up some coconut chicken tenders, I’ll use a little bit of coconut flakes and gluten free flour. I also add turmeric to that as well. Also, I’ll sprinkle turmeric in my burger meat and eat it that way. I then call it a power burger because of all the health benefits.

I’ll sprinkle it on my salad as well. Also, you can take turmeric in a capsule form.

Take about two capsules a day or 500 to 1000 milligrams a day to get some turmeric in your diet.

AS you can see, there are a lot of ways to get more turmeric into you, whether you take it in supplement form, in a tea form, or add it to any different type of food.

One more food suggestion, I love adding it to my hummus. In fact, I make a curry hummus. Turmeric is the active ingredient or the number one ingredient that you’re going to find in curry powder today which is so popular in India.

There are a lot of different ways to add turmeric to your diet. I recommend you try that. Again, remember the face mask is another great way to get it in there too.

I hope you will start taking advantage of the health benefits of turmeric. And if you want that turmeric to be more efficient use iwth the black pepper. These two spices taken together appear to enhance turmeric’s healthy properties.

As found on Youtube

=> Check Out: Enhansa Curcumin 600mg (120)

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A video exploring the health benefits of turmeric. Turmeric is known to stop swelling, kill

bacteria and viruses, as well as many other things. It is also full of nutrients, like protein, dietary

fiber, niacin, Vitamins C, E, and K, calcium, potassium, copper, iron, magnesium, and zinc.

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